As an act of social holiness, the Outreach Ministry seeks to extend the ministry of Jesus Christ beyond our walls as we partner with both local and global organizations to create a more peaceful and whole society for all persons.

Opportunities to participate:


We serve our community through providing lunch at St. Paul's UMC in Dayton, Adopt-a-Highway clean-up projects, volunteering at the Family Violence Prevention Center, and other volunteer projects coordinated by our Bellbrook United Methodist Men (BUMMs). Bellbrook UMC also extends hospitality to Boy Scout troops and recovery groups such as Narcotic Anonymous.


We share our resources including food, money, school supplies, and Christmas gifts with local programs serving people in need. We invite members to support financially our Christmas and Easter Offerings, UMC Special Sunday Offerings, Coins for Christ, and Advance Specials for disaster relief and other projects.


We raise awareness of and work to address issues related to family violence, poverty, environmental and economic justice and global health.

Bellbrook United Methodist Church partner with and support the following organizations:

Community Support Center
*January 2025 Donation for CSC: Paper Towels, Paper Plates, Facial Tissue, Deodorant, and Toilet Paper.
Family Violence Prevention Center
Bellbrook Open Arms Clinic

The Tandana Foundation
News From The Tandana Foundation


United Methodist Church News