
If you are looking for a community who loves God and loves their neighbor, then Bellbrook United Methodist Church is for you!  We are a North Star congregation.  People of all ages find a place here to worship, grow, serve, and learn to live everyday as a disciple of Jesus Christ. You matter . . . to God and to us!

Sunday Worship (October 20th) 

This week, we will look at the topic of humility as we continue with our "Do Unto Others" worship series. 
The word "humility" is often misunderstood.  Some people believe it means being weak and allowing others to walk all over us.  But in reality, humility is defined as "the feeling or attitude that we have no special importance that makes us better than others".  Humility, then, is having a lack of pride. 
The Bible tells us that pride comes before a fall in Proverbs 16:18.  So, in the biblical sense, pride means "extreme love and focus on oneself".  As followers of Christ, pride is not a good thing to have, because we are called to live according to Christ's characteristic of humility. 
Indeed, Jesus was filled with humility.  He left his throne in heaven and took on the form of humanity, humbled himself, and gave himself up on the cross to offer us mercy, forgiveness, and eternal life.  So, for a follower of Christ, humility means knowing who we are and who God is and then being willing to allow God to change us.
Interestingly, the root of the word "human" is the same as "humility".  It all means literally "on the ground".   From dust, we came, and to dust we shall return (Genesis 3: 19).  Another word that shares the same root and is crucial to "lowering the temperature" of our conflicts when things get too "hot", is the word "humor".  When we laugh together (and sing, for that matter), something connects us to that person.  When we laugh together and share a connection over finding the same things funny, we can't help but perceive more of the humanity of the person we are with. 
We sometimes underestimate the healing power of humor, especially in times of conflict.  Sometimes, laughter breaks the hold that tension can have. Laughter provides a different way to vent our fear and anger, even.
So, join us in worship this Sunday to learn more about humility and how humor can remind us not to take ourselves so seriously and to live a humble life.


Sanctuary worship begins at 10 am on Sunday morning, and we live-stream about 10:10 am.  Click here for the BUMC YouTube channel:  https://m.youtube.com/channel/UChW6qcTkbpYYVI18BH550Vw/videos?view=57&flow=list

Click here for the October 2024 Worship Schedule

Click here for the Connection Card

Click here Sunday Service Bulletin, 10:00 AM October 13th Bulletin


Prayer Request

Please call the church office at (937) 848-2909 and leave a message with your prayer requests.


Message From The Tandana Foundation

Click here for additional information
You can send a donation to the Tandana  Foundation, 2933 Lower Bellbrook Rd, Spring Valley, OH 45370




Ohio Department of Health COVID-19 Update


Are you home bound? Do you still need to get vaccinated? Greene County Public Health (GCPH) can help make this happen. 

If you are home bound or are otherwise unable to attend a vaccination site, please call the GCPH at 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634)

The COVID-19 call center is 9am to 8pm every day of the week (even holidays).




Since we never know what weather will bring we have arranged with local channels 2, 7, and 22/45 to announce if we are cancelling services due to the weather.  This information will also be on our website and Facebook page:
https://www.facebook.com/bellbrookumc and our Web site: www.bellbrookumc.org.