June 6 Sanctuary Worship

Q.  Do I have to wear a mask?
A.  No, though we recommend it if you are not fully vaccinated.
Q.  Are we singing?
A.  Yes.

Q.  Is there social distancing?
A.  We will sit in every other pew.  After worship we encourage people to talk outside or in the Community Room where we can spread out. 
Q.  Are we following the covid entrance and exit procedures?
A.  No.  We have masks and hand sanitizer at the entrance for anyone who wants to use them.   You and your family can seat yourselves.  
Q.  Will we pass the offering plates?
A.  No.  The offering plates are at the Donation Station outside the sanctuary for your gifts.
Q.  Will we come forward for Communion?
A.  No.  You will receive bread and juice (regular and gluten-free) as you enter the sanctuary. 
Q.  Will worship last one hour?
A.  No – about 30-40 minutes.  In time we will gradually add in more of our usual liturgy. 
If we didn’t answer your question,
don’t hesitate to contact Pastor Lisa!