If you are looking for a community who loves God and loves their neighbor, then Bellbrook United Methodist Church is for you! We are a North Star congregation. People of all ages find a place here to worship, grow, serve, and learn to live everyday as a disciple of Jesus Christ. You matter . . . to God and to us!
Sunday Worship (March 30th)
Lent is a time of self-reflection, and if you're anything like me, this practice can lead to focusing on my shortcomings. It's a natural human reaction, after all, to focus on our failures and the many ways we fall short of the glory of God. This can lead us to struggle inwardly as we try to rise above our times of failure by forgiving ourselves.
In our moments of struggle, it's common to feel like we are the problem We dwell on our mistakes, our shortcomings, and the weight of our failures. The voice of self-doubt can be deafening, whispering that we are unworthy, unlovable, or simply not enough. Yet, in these moments, it's crucial to remember how God sees us.
God does not define us by our failures or insecurities. Instead, God looks upon us with love and grace, seeing our potential for growth and transformation. In God's eyes, we are not merely the sum of our mistakes, but God's beloved creations, each uniquely designed with purpose.
Indeed, many scriptures tell us how beloved by God we really are. Isaiah 43: 4 tells us we are precious and honored. 1 Peter 2:9 explains we are chosen and redeemed. Psalm 139: 1-16 declares that we are God's handiwork, created for good works. So, God sees our potential and our capacity for good, even when we don't see it ourselves.
Come to worship this Sunday, hear the familiar story of the prodigal son, and be reminded that our God is a God of second chances, who sees the beauty that can emerge from our failures and brokenness.
Sanctuary worship begins at 10 am on Sunday morning, and we live-stream about 10:10 am. Click here for the BUMC YouTube channel: https://m.youtube.com/channel/
Holy Week Service Schedule:
April 13th 10:00 a.m. – Palm Sunday Worship – Bellbrook UMC
April 17th 7:00 p.m. - Holy Thursday Worship -The Bellbrook Presbyterian Church
April 18th 7:00 p.m. - Good Friday Worship - Bellbrook UMC
April 20th 10:00 a.m. - Easter Sunday – Bellbrook UMC
We continue to pray about the tragic fires devastating California. Several United Methodist Churches have been totally lost and many people are suffering due to losing their homes and loved ones. If you want to donate to the United Methodist Committee On Relief, click on the link below. May God comfort those suffering and bring them peace.
UMCOR US Disaster Relief, Click here.
Prayer Request
Please call the church office at (937) 848-2909 and leave a message with your prayer requests.
Message From The Tandana Foundation
Ohio Department of Health COVID-19 Update
Are you home bound? Do you still need to get vaccinated? Greene County Public Health (GCPH) can help make this happen.
If you are home bound or are otherwise unable to attend a vaccination site, please call the GCPH at 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634)
Since we never know what weather will bring we have arranged with local channels 2, 7, and 22/45 to announce if we are cancelling services due to the weather. This information will also be on our website and Facebook page:
https://www.facebook.com/bellbrookumc and our Web site: www.bellbrookumc.org.