If you are looking for a community who loves God and loves their neighbor, then Bellbrook United Methodist Church is for you! We are a North Star congregation. People of all ages find a place here to worship, grow, serve, and learn to live everyday as a disciple of Jesus Christ. You matter . . . to God and to us!
Sunday Worship (January 19th)
We continue with the series "Six Stone Jars" based on Jesus's economy by hearing the story of Jesus returning to his hometown after being tempted in the desert. In this story, we see Jesus declare his ministry plans. Jesus is stepping into his purpose to bring the Good News of the Gospel to the imprisoned, oppressed, and the poor. Ultimately, it is a welcome proclamation until Jesus says things that challenge the people's faith.
Indeed, Jesus reveals that the Messiah is not here to wage war and be a Military King, but to be a source of freedom and hope for all people. This message doesn't sit well with the Jews. They want a military king to put a stop to their oppression. They desire freedom, yes, but it's a spiritual freedom Jesus offers, rather than a physical freedom from the Roman Empire. Sadly, the people are so imprisoned by their situation in life and unable to receive the hope that Jesus has to offer.
Desmond Tutu was the Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town, South Africa. He was deeply involved in the struggle against Apartheid in his country and received in 1986 the Nobel Peace Prize for his endeavor for freedom and equality for his black brothers and sisters. In an interview with the magazine Christianity Today in 1992, Desmond Tutu was asked if he was hopeful for the future. He replied, "I am always hopeful. A Christian is a prisoner of hope. What could have looked more hopeless than Good Friday? ...There's no situation from which God cannot extract good. - Evil, death, oppression, injustice - these can never again have the last word, despite all appearances to the contrary." - "A Christian is a prisoner of hope."
Indeed, Christians, like the people during Biblical times, can lose sight of the hope we have in Christ Jesus. Come and worship this Sunday and hear how we are called to be beacons of light to one another and, more importantly, to all people who are lost and feeling hopeless.
Sanctuary worship begins at 10 am on Sunday morning, and we live-stream about 10:10 am. Click here for the BUMC YouTube channel: https://m.youtube.com/channel/
Bring Warmth to our neighbors
Bring the requested items to the Church Office by January 26th.
Prayer Request
Please call the church office at (937) 848-2909 and leave a message with your prayer requests.
Message From The Tandana Foundation
Ohio Department of Health COVID-19 Update
Are you home bound? Do you still need to get vaccinated? Greene County Public Health (GCPH) can help make this happen.
If you are home bound or are otherwise unable to attend a vaccination site, please call the GCPH at 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634)
Since we never know what weather will bring we have arranged with local channels 2, 7, and 22/45 to announce if we are cancelling services due to the weather. This information will also be on our website and Facebook page:
https://www.facebook.com/bellbrookumc and our Web site: www.bellbrookumc.org.